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Europe has lost its way: Former Priminister of Slovakian

The European Union has lost its way and must adapt to survive, the former Slovakian prime minister told CNBC.
"What's the new aim, what's the common value of this [European] project?," Iveta Radicova told CNBC's "Worldwide Exchange."
"If Europe is for its citizens then the question is how to create a new feeling that we are living in a common [community] and there is a sense to it."
Her comments reflect recent rising tensions between EU members, not just within the crisis-hit euro zone, but within the broader 28-country EU and its institutions, which are seen by many Europeans as opaque and un-representative.
Though some pro-Europeans call for more unity and integration and the creation of a "federal Europe," Radicova dismissed the idea, saying there was no other option for the EU now to adapt to its internal diversity. "There is no will, no need to be the same," she said.
Radicova, who was the Slovakian prime minister briefly from 2010 to 2011, proposed that Europe "needs a new vision and idea that we can offer to European citizens."
"We have the single market, we have the free movement of goods, products and services -- we have problems with the free movement of people – but we haven't got a single space for cultural and common values of Europe," she said.

