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15 firms granted licence for Cambodia stock exchange

The Cambodia’s institution which is controlled the process of Stock exchange in Cambodia, is the Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambdoia [SECC] of Ministry of Finance and Economics. The SECC also licensed 15 amongst 22 firms in Cambodia in order to work on Stock exchange in Cambodia.
Granting licences were the important step in order to process stock market and the number of permits granted reflects the initial requirements of the Cambodia stock market.
Underwriters: provide advice on the issue of securities – such as pricing, public offerings and distribution timelines. The firms get licence of Underwriters such as Tong Yang Securities (Cambodia), OSK Indochina Securities, CANA Securities, CAMPUBANK Securities, Cambodia-Vietnam Securities, SBI Phnom Penh Securities, Phnom Penh Securities Firm.
Dealers: trade in securities for their own accounts and risk. There are two companies to be granted licence of Dealers such as Sacombank Securities (Cambodia), Golden Fortune (Cambodia) Securities.
Brokerages: buy and sell securities on behalf of and by orders of clients for a commission fee. Licence of Brokarages consist of ACLEDA Securities, Cambodia Capital Securities, SONATRA Securities, CAB Securities,
Investment advisory: firms advise their public investors on securities investment. There are two firms such as Angkor VDS Securities PLC, Angkor Capital Advisor.

